Follow step by step how to Manage your Team Roles and Permissions
System Roles
Available system roles are such
System Roles
For team member who own the practice Cannot be removed by any team member
Clinical Roles
For team members who see clients Can bill, schedule, and add documentation for their clients.
For team members who supervise other members
Can bill, schedule, add and sign documentation for their supervisee clients.
Admin roles
For team members who manage the team calendar See and schedule all events in practice
For team members who handle clients payments and insurance
Create invoices and claims
Intake Admin
For team members who handle incoming clients and referrals
Access to practice inbox and referral communication
Practice Manager
For team members who make administrative decisions for the practice Have access to all clients and documentations
Have all the permissions of scheduler, biller and intake admin
Creating Custom Role
In this guide we’ll learn to create a custom role :
click Settings.
You'll see the Settings landing page first
Click on Role settings under Account
It will open the role settings page.
Click on Create custom role button.
It will open the Create role page.
Enter Role Title in the field
Choose the permissions you wish to assign to this role
Click on Copy permissions button if you want to import permissions of any existing system role
It will open the Select role to copy permissions modal.
Choose the role you wish to copy
Click on Copy permissions button.
It will import the permissions of that role.
Select and deselect permissions you wish you assign to this role
Once done click save
This will create your custom role
Editing & Deleting Custom role
In this guide we’ll learn to edit a custom role :
Click on the pencil icon next to the custom role you have created
Make the changes you wish to, to this role.
If you wish to reset to default, click on reset to default button.